Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked
questions about Storrs Pond.

By signing up for a Storrs Pond Family Membership you will not only be supporting and preserving Storrs Pond for future generations to enjoy, but you will also receive discounts and preferred sign up for swim and tennis lessons.

Yes, the pond water is tested monthly by the State of New Hampshire. If the State recommends we close the pond we will immediately post a sign at the beach and update our website accordingly.

Storrs Pond Recreation Area is not affiliated with the Town of Hanover. It is proudly owned and operated by the Hanover Improvement Society, a non-profit 501(c)(3) that works to maintain and improve the Hanover and Upper Valley communities.

Storrs Pond Recreation Area is for everyone to enjoy. Last year we had family memberships from 23 different communities in the Upper Valley!

Storrs Pond Recreation Area offers a wide variety of outdoor activities for the whole family:

Just fill out the job application and we’ll be in touch.

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